Commissions and parciantes of Rio Lucero acequias were invited to speak about their major acequia concerns.

The TVAA Leadership & Education Committee organized a Visita for the Rio Lucero acequias on Sunday, November 9. It took place from 2:00 to 4:30 PM at the Quail Ridge Inn.
Tea, lemonade, water, biscochitos and apple slices were served. Maps were posted, and a table set out with TVAA information and a comment box. Once again Jim Killingsworth graciously provided guitar music. During the break Gabe, Olivia, John, Yolanda, and Christine performed a lively, evolving version of their Teatro Acequiero skit.
Approximately 16 people attended including commissioners from El Prado and Las Colonias.
Concerns and Opportunities for Change
Parciantes noted the following concerns:
Difficulty of access to acequias and headgates on tribal lands.
The need to update changing membership lists
Loss of water rights through transfer or abandonment
Youth needed
More participation needed
Equipment need
Beaver dams
Revising bylaws
Easement enforcement
Infrastructure damage and repair
Need for profitable cash crops
Flood damage & septic tanks
Invasive species
Field maintenance
Illegal ponds, gravel pits
Willows choke creek
Sobrante waters difficult to receive
The following ideas and suggestions emerged as opportunities for action:
Proper record keeping; budget reports
Need for education, assistance, workshops
Water banking
Possible marketable crops (hops, barley, hemp, amaranth)
Internships for youth
Abandonment and footprints